"My stories may be real or imagined, but my God is always real."

Deborah Lynne was born in New Orleans, however, spent her entire life in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was married for 42 years to the love of her life who unfortunately passed away in 2014. Together, they raised 3 children - one son and 2 daughters. Deborah Lynne has also been blessed to have become a Granny 5 times, with the latest addition born in 2018.
As a young girl, Deborah Lynne dreamed of becoming an actress one day. Later in life, she realized that God put that passion insider of her, however, He had other plans for all those creative juices flowing within her. Deborah Lynne, instead of playing a part in a film, tv show, or play, gets to be a part of many characters. She gets to live through the characters she creates in her books.
Deborah Lynne's gift of writing is definitely God given. She says, "God gives me the idea for the story, then helps me write the book. I never know how a story will end until I write the ending. One particular book, Hidden Secrets, I didn't even know who the killer was until the end!!" She also chuckles when she thinks back on the idea that she became a published author. English was her worst subject in school.
Ms. Lynne enjoys writing inspirational fiction; romance, mystery and suspense. She began writing after being laid up for a few months due to a car accident she was in, which led her to reading many novels. She eventually had a thought, she could write her own! And that she did. Her first novel was published in 2007. Within 2 years, 3 more of her novels were released.
Deborah Lynne has also had articles published in a Christian magazine. She's been published through 3 publishing companies and after 7 years with her latest publisher, she decided to self publish.
Deborah has been a key note speaker and a guest speaker at several writers conferences, where she presented on many topics including Romance Writing, How to Get Published and The Do's and Don'ts of Writing.
Up until the passing of her husband, Deborah Lynne only wrote fiction novels. The years following the death of her husband, Deborah Lynne took some time off from writing. God helped guide her through some tough times. She poured the guidance God gave her into a One Year Devotional to share with others, which is perfectly titled Guidance From The Light.
Then, in 2018, God first whispered an idea in her heart: to share His perspective on us, revealing who we are and what we can accomplish. She contemplated this, captivated by its potential, but eventually set it aside.
2019 brought divine inspiration for another non-fiction book, this one overflowing with God's countless blessings, perfectly titled Blessings From God. She poured her heart into exploring His abundant generosity.
In 2020, God's nudge became insistent, gently guiding her back to that initial vision from 2018. But God Says was published and stands as a testament to her obedience.
Now, in 2024, you will find her latest release titled - Growing The Fruit of the Spirit. This newest non-fiction book helps Christians cultivate the 9 traits of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, etc.) to become more like Jesus. It offers wisdom and guidance for spiritual growth. You can find all of Deborah Lynne's books on major platforms.
In the meantime, Deborah Lynne's books are being spread around the world touching others lives. Her hope is that her audience continues to read what God gives to her to send out into the world, and her ultimate hope is that they are blessed by the reading of her publications. And she gives ALL the glory to God!!!